so much to say....

Miss Chloe went for her check up yesterday. She's not 2 months yet, but we went a little early. That girl is a CHUNK! She weighs 11 lbs. 1.5 oz. and is 22 inches long. That means she has gained 4 lbs. and grown almost 3 inches in 5 weeks. WHOAAA! Its no wonder she sleeps AND eats so much. She is starting to get much more curious and loves to be sitting up and looking around when she's awake. She is so aware of her surroundings, just like Cade was. People always commented to me how "alert" he was when he was a baby. I thought that was kind of wierd at the time. Maybe it means they will be smart! haha! She is also trying to roll over when she is on her belly! So, our baby girl is healthy and perfect! Praise God!
And Cade has added about 50 new words to his vocabulary since the surgery. Im sure he can hear us and himself SOO much better. I didnt think it was affecting his speech, but I was wrong! And the sweet thing is keeping us awake more than Chloe. He is going "nite-nite" totally on his own(which is a HUUUUGE step for us), but he wakes up at least twice during the night. Last night he woke up at 1AM and dragged Cody in the living room(cody thought he was looking for a stuffed animal to sleep with), but NO, he tried to turn on the TV and climb on the couch. Poor little guy thought it was morning! NOT so much....the doc said the anesthesia from surgery could make his sleep wierd for up to 6 weeks, so we are hoping thats what it is. If not, i dont know..Has anyone else had this problem? we have let him cry so much and he would cry all night. it doesnt work. Needless to say, we are tired. But God is good and this to shall pass, right?? I am clinging to this passage today....
Psalm 63:1-8
"O Lord, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory.
Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. My soul BE SATISFIED as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you. On my bed I will remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me."

A few new pics...

Cade is still pretty sweet to Chloe(YEA!) and she is still sleeping a lot...(another YEA!)

Cade's Surgery


Our sweet boy had his second set of tubes put in and his adenoids removed this morning. It is just a day surgery and he did great. Mommy was more nervous than anyone. I think that is pretty normal. They put him completely under general anesthesia; which is good. I would not want him to feel any pain. The saddest part is when they wake up and are so groggy and dis-oriented. He was not very happy and couldn't decide if he wanted mommy or daddy. He also had a nasty IV in his arm and kept saying, OFF! OFF!

But he came out of it pretty quickly and has been sleeping a lot today....which mommy doesn't mind too much. We are now just praying that this heals him and his sweet little ears. And praising God that he kept him in his arms and kept him safe. We are so thankful for Cade and love him so so very much!

Changes/Chloe's First Month

3:47 PM Posted by Amanda 0 comments
Pic 1-Cade and Chloe Pic 2-Grace and Cade, Pic 3-Chloe and Fisher...and Pic 4-Chloe girl

Our sweet girl turned one month old yesterday! The month flew by so fast for our family. With her birth and the birth of our best friends baby boy, Fisher; learning also, that they are moving away; and getting prepared for Cade's surgery, we feel like we haven't stopped.

I want to stop and take it all in. Life goes by too quickly not to. How can a whole month go by and you not even realize it?? I look back and can't even remember what Cade was like when he was one month old. I want to remember. I want it to go by slow. I don't want my babies to grow up or our friends to move away. But I know that's not how God created life to be. It is always changing and moving. We have to soak it in as much as we can and revel in what God has blessed us with. And give Him thanks that he even gave us this short time on earth. I think the fact that life goes by so fast makes us realize how precious it is and that we should treasure the important things-Time with Him, and with our family and friends. If it went by slow, we would totally take advantage of it.

So, my goal for this month is that. To treasure the days with my babies, even when they are fussy and clingy and won't sleep or do what I want them to. To treasure the time we have left with Laura, Preston, Grace, and Fisher while they are here. To treasure my time with Cody and maybe go on a date or two. And most of all, to treasure my time with the Lord and every day he blesses me with.