The first Thanksgiving...

We hosted our first Thanksgiving this week. We had my mom's family over...all 22 of us!
It was lovely and I was surprisingly un-stressed..Maybe it had to do with the fact that Cody took the kids to his mom's family's Thanksgiving all day and I had the house to myself to get everything ready...haha..
Everyone pitched in and we had a great time and stayed up late and played games, ate a LOT of food, watched football, drank yummy apple cider, and made our game plan for Friday shopping(yes. I am crazy.)

me and my momma

me and cody

me and adrienne

the cutie pies!!

more pics.

12:38 PM Posted by Amanda 0 comments
Before they had food all over their faces...
Uncle Aaron chillin in the playroom

my Aunt Kay!

Cade having too much fun!

She did it!!

Well, Chloe made it through her tube surgery today...
She did great! She was pretty oblivious as to what was happening and I think that makes it a lot easier. She had fun playing with the other babies in the waiting area and she was pretty friendly with the doctors..she doesn't get quite as upset as Cade does...haha..
She just fussed for a minute when she woke up and she was pretty hungry, to say the least...but other than that it was a fairly calm morning..(Besides me being a bucket of nerves...)
Even though it is an extremely common surgery, I still get myself all worked up. 
Thank you Jesus for giving me peace and for keeping our little girl safe and giving us a great doctor to help heal her little ears! All the praise to You!!

Here is the one "okay" picture we got of Cade on Halloween. We could NOT get him to be still and we don't have a camera that works well. This is taken from Cody's phone...

And here is one of them in Rockdale a couple of weeks ago. I love this picture. They are precious.